Get the Funding You Need Effective Solutions
With safety being held at the upmost priority in today’s world, there then comes the need for available financial assistance in order for each and every one of our schools, non-profit organizations, and even small businesses. Valcom has complied a list funding resources that can be used towards implementing a new emergency communication/notification system or even upgrading current solutions per your organizations needs according to the grant regulations provided.

Federal Grants
About Grants & Resources
Alyssa’s Law
Safety Grants can Cover Mandatory State Regulations
Alyssa’s law is legislation to improve response time of law enforcement during emergencies in public schools. It mandates that all public elementary and secondary schools are equipped with a silent panic button that directly alerts law enforcement. The law is named in honor of Alyssa Alhadeff, who was killed in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.Valcom offers a range of customizable communication solutions, allowing you to select and include features tailored to your specific needs. This flexibility ensures our solutions support both day-to-day and emergency communication, keeping your organization safe, informed, and on schedule.
Is your School Equipped to Comply? Learn More about Valcom’s Alyssa’s Law Best Practices