Due to the current and anticipated weather conditions, the Valcom facility will be opening at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

Valcom Archived Product List

To view the archived product installation manual, please click the partnumber in the archived part number column. To view the replacement or substitution part numbers, click the part numbers in their respective columns. Please note that some replacement or alternate part numbers may have variations or require additional equipment. If you have questions, please contact Valcom at 800-825-2661.

Archived Part NumberDescriptionReplacement Part NumberAlternate Part NumberAdditional Information
DL-24CBClarity DL-24CB Call Switch with Volume Control
DL-24ECBClarity DL-24ECB Emergency / Normal Call Switch w/Volume Control
S-503Clarity 45 Ohm Ceiling Speaker
S-515Clarity S-515 45 Ohm Slimline Wall Speaker
S-530BClarity S-530B Track Style Speaker
S-571Clarity S-571 Vandal-Resistant -Doorplate Speaker Assembly
S-615Clarity Paging Horn
S-650Clarity Paging Horn
S-700Clarity S-700 High Fidelity Monitor Speaker
S-750AClarity S-750A 5-Watt Co-Axial Ceiling Speaker
SWM-EQClarity SWM-EQ Seven Band Equalizer Module
SDU-410Clarity SDU-410 Dynamic Handheld Microphone
SEQ-1Clarity Seven Band Equalizer
SMA-40Clarity 40-Watt Mixer-Amplifier
SMA-60Clarity 60-Watt Mixer-Amplifier
SMA-120Clarity 120-Watt Mixer-Amplifier
SM-5Clarity 5 Channel Pre-Amp/Mixer
SMB-200Clarity 2 Channel Power Amplifier
STPAClarity STPA Telephone Paging Adapter
SX-15-4545 Ohm Talkback Horn
SX-15-45-M45 Ohm Talkback Horn (Marine Version)
V-1011BBRecessed Ceiling Speaker, One-way Black with white trimV-1010CReplacement part number may or may not include additional accessories
V-1011MRRecessed Ceiling Speaker with Mounting Ring, 4-inch, One-way, Black with White TrimV-1010CReplacement part number may or may not include additional accessories
V-1012BBRecessed Ceiling Speaker, 8-inch, One-Way Black with White TrimV-1020CReplacement part number may or may not include additional accessories
V-1012MRRecessed Ceiling Speaker with Mounting Ring, 8-inch, One-way, Black with White TrimV-1020C
Replacement part number may or may not include additional accessories
V-1013ATrack-Style, 1-Watt, One-Way, Black, Gray, WhiteV-1013BReplacement part number may or may not include additional accessories
V-1014ATrack-Style, 1-Watt, One-Way, Black, Gray, WhiteV-1014B
V-1015APendant Speaker, One-Way, Black, Gray, WhiteV-1015B
Pendant Speaker, Talkback, Black, Gray, WhiteV-1015BAlternate replacement part number does not have LED and is available only as a one-way speaker
V-1024CWoodgrain Corner Speaker, One-Way Light Open Weave GrilleThis product is permanently discontinued please call Valcom directly for assistance
V-1025CWoodgrain Corner Speaker, One-Way Dark Clothe GrilleV-1055
V-1027Woodgrain, Cooridor Speaker, One-Way, Dark Clothe GrilleThis product is permanently discontinued please call Valcom directly for assistance
V-1030BHigh Efficiency Horn, 5-Watt BeigeV-1030CAlternate replacement part number does not have LED function.
V-1046Slimline Wall Speaker, Talkback, Gray, Black, BrownV-1071Alternate replacement is a talkback version
V-1048BHigh Efficiency Horn w/LED Talkback BeigeV-1048CAlternate replacement does not have LED function.
V-1054Metal Wall Speaker, Corner, One-WayV-1055Alternate part number is a talkback speaker. One-Way version has been permanently discontinued
V-1060BRound Ceiling Speaker, 8-inch with LED, One-WayV-1060ALED version for this product is no longer available.
V-1062AWoodgrain, Wall Speaker, Talkback, with Dark Cloth GrilleV-1063AReplacement part number has the same speaker functionality but different color and cloth
V-1062BWoodgrain Wall Speaker with LED, Talkback, Light Open Weave GrilleV-1063AReplacement part number has the same speaker functionality but without the LED.
V-1064AWoodgrain Corner Speaker, Talkback, Light Open-Weave Grille with LEDV-1055
V-1064BWoodgrain Corner Speaker, Talkback, with Light Open Weave Grille with LEDV-1055Replacement part number does not have the LED function.
V-1065AWoodgrain Corner Speaker Talkback, with Dark Cloth GrilleV-1055
Replacement part number is teh same speaker functionality, but is a different housing and cloth color
Woodgrain Bi-Directional Cooridor Speaker, Talkback Light Open Weave GrilleV-1026
The alternate replacement part number is a one-way version. The talkback version has been permanently discontinued.
V-1066BWoodgrain Bi-Directional Cooridor Speaker w/LED, Talkback, Light Open Weave GrilleV-1026CThe alternate replacement part number is a one-way version. The talkback, LED version has been permanently discontinued.
Explosion Proof Horn, TalkbackV-1039AReplacement part nubmer is a one-way Explosion Proof horn, the talkback version is permanently disontinued.
V-1070P-Tec Ceiling Speaker, TalkbackV-1001Replacement part number is a one-way version. The talkback version is permanently discontinued.
V-1072A-BRASSDoorplate Speaker, Flush Mount, BrassV-1072A-ST
V-1072B-BRASSDoorplate Speaker Flush Mount, w/LED, BRASS
V-1118All Call Module for 19 Zone ControlThe features of this product are included in the V-ACS45
V-119RT19 Station Bell/Buzzer IntercomV-ACS-45
V-119RTHF19 Zone page Control, TalkbackV-ACS-45
V-119RTVA19 Zone Page ControlV-ACS-45
 Additional equipment may be required.
V-1134All Call Module for 36 Zone ControlPermanently discontinued.
V-1224Woodgrain Corner Speaker, Dual-Input, One-Way, Light Open Weave GrilleV-1222
Please note the substitute replacement part numbers have variation.
V-1222 Ceiling Speaker is suggested for customers who want dual-input.
V-1055 is suggested for customers who want corner style speaker in Talkback.
Woodgrain Bi-Directional Corridor Speaker, One-Way, WhiteV-1026C
The alternate part number is a one-way, single-input version. Dual-input in corridor style has been discontinued.
V-136RT36 Station Bell/Buzzer IntercomV-ACS-X48/45Additional equipment may be required.
V-136RTHF36 Zone Talkback Page ControlV-ACS-X48/45
V-1422-ECHigh-Fidelity Signature Series Lay-In Ceiling Speaker with Built-in Backbox, One-Way (European Version)V-9022-ECHigh-Fidelity version permanently discontinued
V-1991Surface Mount Backbox, Metal for Square GrilleVB-S11
Flush Mount Backbox, Metal for Square Grille
V-2000One Zone, Page Control w/Power, One-WayV-2000A
Enhanced One Zone, Page Control w/Power, One-Way
V-2003AHF-EThree Zone, Page Control w/Power, Talkback (European)V-ACS45
V-2006AHF-ESix Zone, Page Control w/Power, Talkback (European)V-ACS45
V-2901 Universal Door Answering SystemV-2901A
V-2920Advanced 20 Zone Talkback Intercom SystemV-ACS45
24 Station Intercom SystemV-ACS45
Expansion Unit, 24 Zone IncrementsV-ACS45
V-2926Option Board for V-2924V-ACS45The V-2926 product feature is included in the V-ACS45
V-2927Clock Control Card for use with V-2928 Option CardV-ACS45The V-2927 product feature is included in the V-ACS45
V-2928Option Card with Time Event Scheduling SoftwareV-ACS45The V-2928 product feature is included in the V-ACS45
V-2952FM TunerPermanently discontinued
V-5335405Multi-Zone MicrophonePermanently discontinued
V-90201×2 Lay-In Ceiling Speaker w/out Backbox, One-WayV-9021V-9021 does include a backbox. 
V-9061 1×2 Lay-In Ceiling Speaker w/out Backbox, TalkbackV-9021
The substitute part number V-9021 is a one-way speaker with backbox. 
The V-9062 is a 2 x 2 speaker in talkback.
V-9422-ECLay-In 600mm x 600mm Spot SoundMasking Speaker (European)
Permanently discontinued.
V-9921HF Handsfree Talkback UnitV-9972Please note the V-9972 requires additional equipment. 
V-9923BPermanently discontinued.Permanently discontinued.
V-9924BC.O. Audible RingerV-9924C
V-9932Noise Sensing Volume ControlV-9933A
One Zone Page Port Adapter
Microphone AdapterV-9939C
V-9934AElectric Multi-Tone RingerV-9936A
V-9947ALine Powered Ringer HornV-9925APlease note V-9225A is not line powered and requires a -24Vdc. 
V-9953Optional Handsfree Talkback Plug-In Board for V-2003APermanently discontinued.
V-9956Optional Handsfree Talkback Plug-In Board for V-2006APermanently discontinued.
Digital Feedback EliminatorV-9964
V-9970Digital One Zone, One-Way Page AdapterV-9972
V-99757 Band EqualizerPermanently discontinued.
V-9980A-4Digital On-Hold 4 MinV-9988
V-9980A-8Digital On-Hold 8 MinV-9988
V-9981-4Enhanced Hi-Fi- 4 Min. VersionV-9988
V-9982Digital Message On-Hold V-9988
V-A241212-Inch Round Analog Clock, Black, Surface Mount, 24VV-A2412B
V-A241616-Inch Round Analog Clock, Black, Surface Mount, 24VV-A2416B
V-A1101212-Inch Round Analog Clock, Black, Surface Mount, 100VV-A11012B
V-A11016 16-Inch Round, Analog, Clock, Black, Surface Mount, 100VV-A11016B
V-AW12A12-Inch Round Analog Clock, Black, Surface Mount, Wireless Battery OperatedV-AW12B
V-AW12-MD12-Inch Round Analog Clock, Black, Surface Mount, Wireless Battery Operated, Military DialV-AW12B-MD
V-AW12LP12-Inch Round Analog Clock & Repeater, Black, Surface Mount, 24V WirelessV-AW12BLP
V-AW16A16-Inch Round Analog Clock, Black, Surface Mount, Battery OperatedV-AW16B
V-AW16LP16-Inch Round Analog Clock & Repeater, Black, Surface Mount, 24V WirelessV-AW16BLP
V-BDM12-MDouble Mount Bracket, 12-Inch, Metal, for Wired ClocksV-BDM12-S
V-BDM16-MDouble Mount Bracket, 16-Inch, Metal, for Wire ClocksV-BDM16-S
VC-1063AWoodgrain Wall Speaker, Talkback, Dark ClotheVC-1062A
C-CLK2924Time Event Scheduling & Master Clock ControlThis product has been permanently discontinued. Please call Valcom for assistance.
V-CPU4System CPU Board with 2 V-SLC (4 links)This product has been permanently discontinued. Please call Valcom for assistance. 
V-CSBFBSurface Mount Backbox for Large Digital Clock/SpeakerVB-S20
V-CSBRBBackbox for Large Digital Clock/SpeakerVB-R19
VIP-120IP Ceiling Speaker 8-Inch, One-WayVIP-120A
VIP-120-ICIP Ceiling Speaker 8-Inch, One-Way InformaCast®VIP-120A-IC
VIP-130L-BGE, -GY, -M IP Horn, One-Way or Talkback, Beige, Gray, WhiteVIP-130AL
VIP-130L-IC-BGE, -GY, -MIP Horn, One-Way or Talkback InformaCast®, Beige, Gray, WhiteVIP-130AL-IC
VIP-148L-BGE, -GY, -MIP Talkback Horn, Beige, Gray, WhiteVIP-148AL
VIP-148L-IC, -BGE, -GY, -MIP Talkback Horn, InformaCast®, Beige, Gray, WhiteVIP-148AL-IC
VIP-160IP Ceiling Speaker 8-Inch, TalkbackVIP-160A
VIP-160-ICIP Ceiling Speaker, 8-Inch Talkback, InformaCast®VIP-160A-IC
VIP-172AL-ST-BRASS-VRSSIP Doorplate Intercom, Flush MountVIP-172AL-ST
VIP-201SIP Based Paging Pro-Server – 1 Analog OutputVIP-201A
VIP-204ASIP Based Paging Pro Server – 4 Analog OutputsVIP-204B
VIP-324IP Power SupplyVIP-324D
VIP-4011×2 IP Lay-In Ceiling Speaker, One-WayVIP-402AThe substitute replacement part number size is a 2 x 2 speaker.
VIP-401-IC1×2 IP Lay-In Ceiling Speaker, One-Way InformaCast®VIP-402A-ICThe substitute replacement part number size is a 2 x 2 speaker.
VIP-4022 x 2 IP Lay-in Ceiling Speaker, One-WayVIP-402A
VIP-402-EC2×2 IP Lay-In Ceiling Speaker, One-Way (European)VIP-402A-EC
VIP-402-IC2×2 IP Lay-In Ceiling Speaker, One-Way, InformaCast®VIP-402A-IC
VIP-410IP Wall Speaker, One-Way, Gray MetalVIP-430A
VIP-410-ICIP Wall Speaker Assembly, One-Way, Gray Metal, InformaCast®VIP-430A-IC
VIP-411-DSIP Surface Mount Digital Clock/Speaker, Angled, One-WayVIP-431A-DS-IC
VIP-412-DFIP Digital Clock/Speaker Combo, Flush Mount, One-Way VIP-432A-DF
VIP-412-DF-ICIP Digital Clock/Speaker Combo, Flush Mount, One-WayVIP-432A-DF-IC
VIP-418IP Square Faceplate, One-WayVIP-428A
VIP-418A-ICIP Square Faceplate, One-Way, InformaCast®VIP-428A
VIP-419A-D-ICIP Square Faceplate, One-Way, InformaCast®VIP-429A-AThe replacement part number, VIP-429A, is either one-way or talkback.
VIP-4211×2 IP Lay-in Ceiling Speaker, One-WayVIP-422AThe substitute replacement part number size is a 2 x 2 speaker.
VIP-4222 x 2 IP Lay-In Ceiling Speaker, One-WayVIP-422A
VIP-422-EC 2 x 2 IP Lay-In Ceiling Speaker, One-Way (European)VIP-422A-EC
VIP-428IP 8-Inch Square Speaker Faceplate, TalkbackVIP-428A
VIP-428-ICIP 8-Inch Square Speaker Faceplate, Talkback, InformaCast®VIP-428A-ICVIP-428A-IC is one-way/talkback programmable. 
VIP-429-DIP Digital Clock Speaker Combo, 4-Digit, TalkbackVIP-429A-D
VIP-429-D-ICIP Digital Clock/Speaker Combo, 4-DigitVIP-429A-D-IC
VIP-430IP Wall Speaker, Gray Metal, Black Cloth Grille, TalkbackVIP-430A Please note the VIP-430A is one-way and talkback programmable.
VIP-430-IC IP Wall Speaker, Gray Metal, Black Cloth Grille, Talkback InformaCast®VIP-430A-ICPlease note the VIP-430A-IC is one-way and talkback programmable. 
VIP-431A-ICIP Analog Clock/Speaker Combo, Flush Mount, Talkback, InformaCast®VIP-431A-A-ICPlease note the VIP-431A-A-IC is one-way and talkback programmable. 
VIP-480L -BGE, -GY, -WIP FlexHorn, One-Way, Beige, Gray or WhiteVIP-480AL-BGE, -GY, -W
VIP-480L-IC -BGE, -GY, -W IP FlexHorn, One-Way, InformaCast, Beige, Gray or WhiteVIP-480AL-IC -BGE, -GY, -W
VIP-490AL-BGE, -GY, -WIP FlexHorn Talkback, Beige, Gray, White
VIP-490AL-IC-BGE, -GY, -WIP FlexHorn, Talkback, InformaCast®
VIP-490AL-SA, -BGE, -GY, -WIP FlexHorn, Talkback, Syn-Apps
VIP-483IP FlexHorn, Vandal-Resistant Stainless Steel Grille FaceplateAlternate options:
V-9805 paired w/VIP-480AL IP FlexHorn
The substitute part number require additional equipment. Please contact Valcom for assistance.
VIP-483-IC IP FlexHorn, Vandal-Resistant Stainless Steel Grille Faceplate, InformaCast®Alternate options:
V-9805 paired w/VIP-480AL IP FlexHorn
The substitute part number require additional equipment. Please contact Valcom for assistance.
VIP-580IP FlexHorn Vandal-Resistant, Surface MountVIP-580A
VIP-581-IC IP FlexHorn, Surface Mount, InformaCast®VIP-581-A-IC
Network Audio Port
IP One Audio Port, Networked
VIP-801-ICIP One Audio Port, Networked, InformaCast®VIP-801A-IC
VIP-802ADual Enhanced, IP Network Audio PortVIP-802B
VIP-804AQuad Enhanced, IP Network Audio PortVIP-804B
Quad Enhanced, IP Network Audio PortVIP-811A
VIP-812ADual IP Network Station PortVIP-812B
VIP-814AQuad IP Network Station PortVIP-814B
VIP-820IP Network Trunk PortVIP-821A
VIP-821Enhanced IP Network Trunk PortVIP-821A
VIP-822Dual Enhanced IP Network Trunk PortVIP-822A
VIP-824Quad Enhanced IP Network Trunk PortVIP-824A
VIP-848IP Networked Input & Relay ModuleVIP-848AR-IC
VIP-854IP Tie LineThis product has been permanently discontinued. Please contact Valcom for assistance. 
VIP-903Rack Mount Kit for VIP-800, VIP-810, VIP-820This product has been permanently discontinued. Please contact Valcom for assistance.
VIP-9815AL-ICIP Corridor Indoor Stealth Speaker, One-WayThis product has been permanently discontinued. Please contact Valcom for assistance.
VIP-9880IP FlexHorn Square Faceplate Interior, WhiteVIP-9880A
VIP-9880-IC IP FlexHorn Square Faceplate, InformaCast®, Interior, WhiteVIP-9880A-IC
VIP-9890CBIP Talkback Call Station, Vandal-Resistant, YellowVIP-9890AL-CB
VIP-999AIP Strobe Alert, AmberVIP-998
VIP-A12IP PoE 12-Inch Round Analog ClockVIP-A12A
VIP-A16IP PoE 16-Inch Round Analog ClockVIP-A16A
VIP-A12DSIP PoE 12-Inch Round Analog Clock, Double SidedVIP-A12ADS
VIP-A16DSIP PoE 16-Inch Round Analog Clock, Double SidedVIP-A16ADS
VIP-D425IP PoE, 2.5-Inch, Digital Clock, 4-DigitVIP-D425A
VIP-D425DSIP PoE, 2.5-Inch, Digital Clock, 4-Digit, Double SidedVIP-D425ADS
VIP-D440IP PoE 4-Inch Digital Clock, 4-DigitVIP-D440A
VIP-D440DSIP PoE, 4-Inch Digital Clock, 4 Digit, Double SidedVIP-D440ADS
VIP-D625IP PoE 2.5-Inch, Digital Clock, 6 DigitsVIP-D625A
VIP-D625DSIP PoE 2.5-Inch, Digital Clock, 6 Digits, Double SidedVIP-D625ADS
VIP-D640IP PoE, 4-Inch, Digital Clock, 6 DigitsVIP-D640A
VIP-D640DSIP PoE, 4-Inch, Digital Clock, 6 Digits, Double SidedVIP-D640ADS
The substitute replacement part numbers are various sizes and then the VL530 and are equipped with flashers.
IP Speakers with TextVL550F
The direct replacement part number is equipped with flashers
VL580IP Indoor/Outdoor Message DisplayVL590
V-MCRK9 Position Card GuardThis product has been permanently discontinued. Please call Valcom for assistance.
V-MWRK4 Position Card GuardThis product has been permanently discontinued. Please call Valcom for assistance.
VP-10241 Amp, -24Vdc, Filtered, Receptacle Mount, Power SupplyVP-1124D
VP-11241 Amp, -24Vdc, Filtered, Receptacle Mount, Power SupplyVP-1124D
VP-1124A1 Amp, -24Vdc, Filtered, Wall Mount Power Supply VP-1124D
VP-20242 Amp, Filtered, Wall Mount Power Supply VP-2124D
VP-2048B2 Amp Power SupplyVP-2148D
VP-2048C2 Amp Power SupplyVP-2148D
VP-21242 Amp Filtered, Wall Mount Power SupplyVP-2124D
VP-2124A2 Amp, Wall Mount Power Supply
VP-2124D2 Amp, Filtered, Wall Mount Power Supply VP-2124D
VP-3242 Amp, Filtered, Wall Mount Power SupplyVP-324D
VP-624B600mA, 24Vdc, Filtered, Receptacle Mount Power SupplyVP-624D
VP-4024B4 Amp Filtered, Wall Mount Power Supply VP-4124D
VP-4024C4 Amp, Filtered, Wall Mount Power SupplyVP-4124D
VP-41244 Amp Filtered Wall Mount Power SupplyVP-4124D
V-PR24One-Way 24 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zones, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information.
V-PR72One-Way 72 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zones, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-PR96One-Way 96 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zones, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-PR24AOne-Way 24 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zones, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-PR48AOne-Way 48 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zones, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-PR72AOne-Way 72 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zones, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-PR96AOne-Way 96 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zones, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
One-Way 24 Zones, Expandable to 72 zones, wall mount
Alternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-PW48 One-Way 48 Zones, Expandable to 72 zones, wall mountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
One-Way 48 Zones, Expandable to 72 zones, wall mount
Alternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-RDPRack Mount Control Panel with AM/FM CD 
V-SERSerial/Clock Driver Card
V-SLCSLC Card (2 telephone interface circuits)
V-STX24 Point One-Way Paging Expansion Card
V-TCM24 Point One-Way Talkback Intercom Expansion Card
V-TR24Talkback 24 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zone, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
 V-TR48Talkback 48 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zone, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-TR72Talkback 72 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zone, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-TR96Talkback 96 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zone, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
 V-TR24ATalkback 24 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zone, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-TR48ATalkback 48 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zone, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-TR72ATalkback 72 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zone, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
 V-TR96ATalkback 96 Zones, Expandable to 192 Zone, Rack MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-TW24Talkback 24 Zones, Expandable to 72 Zone, Wall MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-TW48Talkback 48 Zones, Expandable to 72 Zone, Wall Mount 
Alternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-TW24ATalkback 24 Zones, Expandable to 72 Zone, Wall MountAlternate solutions are possible, depending on exact system requirements.  Please contact Valcom for more information. 
V-URIUniversal Relay InterfacePermanently discontinued.
V-WGA1212″ Wire Guard for Analog ClockV-WGACLK
V-WGA1616″ Wire Guard for Analog ClockV-WGACLK