Due to the current and anticipated weather conditions, the Valcom facility will be opening at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.


IP 2′ x 2′ Lay-In Ceiling Speaker, With Backbox, One-Way Secure, InformaCast®, VIP-402A-IC

The VIP-402A-IC, InformaCast®, 2′ x 2′ Lay-In Ceiling Speaker, is fast and easy to install and provides superb sound quality and coverage. The pleasing architectural appearance blends well with any environment such as classrooms, training rooms, lecture halls, offices, retail stores and medical facilities. The included backbox meets the ASTM E84 flame and smoke test with a three-hour burn rating and is UL listed.

  • InformaCast® compliant
  • PoE (IEEE 802.3af)
  • Paging, emergency alerts, and tones
  • One-way paging
  • High-quality audio
  • High-efficiency Class-D amplifier
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Indoor use only


Dimensions & Weight

23.75in L x 23.75in W x 3.75in D
(60.33cm x 60.33cm x9.53cm)
5.50lbs (2.49kg)
Shipping Weight:
10.30lbs (4.64kg)


Sales Managers

TerritorySales ManagerEmail
1Shari Dunlapsdunlap@valcom.com
2Jeff Knightjknight@valcom.com
3Steve Rahnsrahn@valcom.com
4Steve Rahnsrahn@valcom.com
5Troy Van Stonetvs@valcom.com
6Rick Hamiltonrlh@valcom.com
7Daryl Cooperdcooper@valcom.com
8Chad Hulsleychulsley@valcom.com
9Tim Hagerthager@valcom.com
10Tim Hagerthager@valcom.com
11Paul Burtonpeb@valcom.com
12Geno Acostaefa@valcom.com
13Paul Burtonpeb@valcom.com
14Brian Bortzbbortz@valcom.com