Due to the current and anticipated weather conditions, the Valcom facility will be opening at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.


Remote Volume Control, SM-VC

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Clarity SM-VC Remote Volume Control

The SM-VC Remote Volume Control allows adjusting the output level of the Clarity SM120 amplifier from a remote location.

  • Remotely controls output level of a Clarity SM120 Amplifier up to 1000ft away
  • Brushed stainless steel plate
  • Embossed markings from 0 to 10
  • Wall mountable


Dimensions & Weight

4.50in H x 2.80in W x 1.50in D
(11.43cm x 7.11cm x 3.81cm)
0.20lb (0.09kg)
Shipping Weight:
2.30lbs (1.04kg)


In-wall or surface mount using a single gang electrical box



Sales Managers

TerritorySales ManagerEmail
1Shari Dunlapsdunlap@valcom.com
2Jeff Knightjknight@valcom.com
3Steve Rahnsrahn@valcom.com
4Steve Rahnsrahn@valcom.com
5Troy Van Stonetvs@valcom.com
6Rick Hamiltonrlh@valcom.com
7Daryl Cooperdcooper@valcom.com
8Chad Hulsleychulsley@valcom.com
9Tim Hagerthager@valcom.com
10Tim Hagerthager@valcom.com
11Paul Burtonpeb@valcom.com
12Geno Acostaefa@valcom.com
13Paul Burtonpeb@valcom.com
14Brian Bortzbbortz@valcom.com